Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Scene

Selamat Tahun Baru 2010!
Hope that a more colorful and vibrant 2010 awaits, my pray for the best of health, career progress and overall well being for everyone in the family and friends. Amin.

Just a trifling story to share that kept on running through my mind at this very first day of year 2010.

Went out on the new year’s eve, hoping to see happy things and have good time but I came across a quarrel between a husband and a wife. They were chatting joyfully at first and unexpectedly things turned out sour later after that, I reckoned must be a wrong topic popped out. Then, after few disputes between the husband and the wife, the Mrs showed her emotions by slamming something in front of her, and gruffly I heard the husband said, “xx, kenapa u ni macam setan hah????”. Gulped! ‘Macam setan?’ I myself think (and still thinking) that it was too much for him to say that! Hey Mister, what was the bad thing that your wife has done that made you throw your irate and unkind words? OK, the wife showed her emotion, regretting things turned out shattered… and the reaction of slamming things was a sin and scornful, then you said that and you what?

I say no more. I’m hoping the Mr of that poor Mrs feels sorry for shouting that to his wife. If he doesn’t, I pity that lady. If it was me, I dare to say that my love for him scratched. Hate it. A good and respectable husband shouldn’t do that to his wife. Teach her the appropriates, do not exxagerate, do not retort 'impolite' with 'violence'.

“A woman was taken out of man, not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot but.. out of his side to be equal to him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved..”

Salam Bahagia.

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