Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What's In the Air?

What's happening all around now?

1. H1N1 scare.
67 cases of death reported as at yesterday, it's all due to local transmission. Being everywhere especially the crowded place is at high-risk. Seriously, everyone could have the possibility to get infected. I am so worry about kids going to school in fact, but definitely they couldnt just hang around at home, just because of the Mommy's scare. There is a doa that I always do everyday :

"Aku membenteng diri dengan nama Tuhan yang mempunyai kemuliaan dan kekuatan, aku berpegang teguh pada Tuhan yang menguasai alam nyata dan tidak nyata, aku bertawakkal kepada Tuhan yang hidup dan yang tidak mati selama-lamanya. Semoga kiranya Engkau hindarkan KAMI ya Allah dari bala dan wabak. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.." Amin Ya Rabbal'Alamin.

2. 1Malaysia.
National unity? Yes. 1Malaysia promotes unity among races. Think and act like one nation. Talk about people, not bangsa. We are no longer a nation of individuals nor races. But, having the Malay mindset, I still hope that we Malay wouldnt loss our priviledges being MALAYsian. Am I not 1Malaysia oriented?

Hope we are all united in peace. One people. One nation. (Macam S'pore pulak bunyi nya eh?). 1Malaysia. I support.

3. Sugar shortage.
Seriously? Serious-lah! At the big stores, they limit you to 2 packs each customer. Hey, Raya is coming lah! How to bake unsweetened cookies? Or.. should we start the sugar-free diet? Uncaramelized pudding, anyone? Can you imagine? There's a say : 'That it shall never come again is what makes life is so sweet'. Hehehe.. no, not in this REAL-sweet thing, please..

Salam 'the Healthy Sweet 1Nation', guys.

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