Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Suara Hati II

Nov 23, 2010 ~ Selasa

Today pagi-pagi lagi saya ikut B pergi hospital to undergo an MRI for his spinal pain. Muhsin saya tinggalkan dengan jiran depan rumah.

After one full stretch month with him, hati tak keruan tinggalkan anak kecil itu walaupun hari ni cuma cuba-cuba sahaja. Esok saya start kerja semula ~ after a month of house chores, cooking, washing, 100% (over)worked.. jiwa saya jadi sangat tak tentu. Bercampur baur.

Di hospital, over lunch during waiting for B consultation with doctor, I met Auntie Kamariah who is 75 years old. First acquaintance, I already like her. I feel so close to her, with chemistry. She said suddenly she feels like I am like her daughter. Alhamdulillah. The quick acquaintance left me with the confidence to conclude the finale of my istikharah. It was a blessed short and sweet meeting. Allah, it's all from You, I know. Thank you Allah. Dear Auntie Kamariah, may Allah bless you, saya teringin nak cium tangan Auntie lagi dalam perjumpaan kita yang akan datang, Insya Allah.

Back to B's story, he got admitted. Tomorrow, he has to go through an anaesthetic injection to one of his (worn out) discs and will not be conscious for almost a day. Ya Allah... Macamana nak lalu kehidupan 2/3 hari ni... Saya perlu pergi kerja esok. Muhsin for the first time I will have to leave him to a new babysitter for 9 hours, at least. And, my husband dalam ward. I cry silently today.

My pray, semoga semuanya berjalan dengan baiknya. Insya Allah..

Hai anak, sabarlah.. wahai suami, semoga cepat sembuh. Duhai esok, cerialah seadanya.. Wahai matahari, bersinarlah seperti sediakala... Ya Tuhanku, berikan daku kekuatan..

1 comment:

  1. be storng sis..Allah x kn uji hambaNya kalau Dia tahu hambaNya tu x mmpu nk hdapi dugaan..
